"All is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for refroof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work"
When God made a prophet, He did not unmake the man. The personality,mental traits, and even the forms of literary expression of the human authors, were left and perfectly free.
For eg: - The meekness of Moses, the burning sarcasm of Isaiah; the tender pathos of Jeremiah; the deep philosophy of John & the clear and sharp logic of Paul, all clearly reflect the human instrumentality.
"ALL these were truly and really their own. As every pipe of the organ is so fashioned that it might give one note and not another- and yet all are filled by the same breath-so, these souls, of humanity and the circumstances of their lives, were made each to give out his own note, yet all were filled by the breath of the Divine Spirit,that has made these human and yet divine utterances ring with a melody unquenched and unquenchable" (George Henderson). "When we say that God is the author, we mean the Holy Scripture is inspired by God. It was God who breathed into those 40 authors...." (Jerome - Doctor of Biblical Science).
Therefore, scripture becomes the written Word of God that is Spirit & Life to them that feed upon its pages, carefully searching it for food, light and life itself. Since the potency behind the written words is God Himself, it carries the sharpness of a two-edged sword, with ability to divide between soul and spirit, bone and marrow and reveal the innermost thoughts and intents of the heart. All that man would hide from God through the deceitfulness of his (man's) heart is laid and revealed before the mirror of His Word. Hence, since it is really God speaking through its pages (and not man), it is vitally important that the Christian counts upon it daily as manna for his sustenance. Manna that cannot be kept over for the next day, but must be gathered afresh daily, lest it spoil. When we come to the Word, it must not be an academic exercise, but to fellowship with Him, for He and His Word are one (see John 1:1). Also, He does not cast His pearls (deep insights of truth) before anyone, but to the hungry searching heart, He reveals all.
It is therefore profitable for teaching God's truth, for pointing the way (direction), for rebukes when necessary, for correction and chastisement when needed, all of which have one positive end - to train the Man & Woman of God in all righteousness - in all the ways of God, so that we may be made ready (equipped) for every good work.
Just as we need daily physical food for our earthly sustenance, daily feeding upon the Word is required for our spiritual sustenance, for man cannot live by bread alone (Mt 4:4). Fix a time and a place and make this daily time of sweet fellowship, where none will interrupt, and watch how the God breathed Word becomes a fire that burns within and a river of life that flows in you and out of you to a needy word.
(Read John 15:1-8) Abide in me and I in you.As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless you abide in me (John 15:4) The Quality of the fruit of the branch depends upon the quality of the life of the vine. Neither quality nor quality is the product of the branch, for the branch merely receives what is produced by the vine. It is useless for the branch to struggle and strive to produce, for that is not its task. In fact however hard it may try, it will produce nothing.on the contrary it is the task of the vine to supply all the sap (life) needed; it is the task of the vine to produce the fruit at the end of the branch; it is the task of the branch to just abide quietly in utter dependence and obedience where it had been placed. To walk with God in close relationship is not only the secret of joy and growth; it is the condition of all acceptable service, and all real usefulness (fruit). The value of what we do depends very much upon what we are. And what we are depends upon where we abide in.The most usefule Christian is the one that abides habitually in the secret place of the Most High. It is from this abiding position that our Lord the Vine provides all that His branches will ever need for fruit-bearing. Straining and driving effort does not accomplish the work that God gives a man to do; we must partake of Christ so fully that He more than fills the life. It will then be not overwork but overflow of the Christ-Life within. To "abide" means to stand fast, to remain,to go on being; to reside. As we abide in and fellowship of with the Vine, and thereby come to know Him more fully, the fruit of His Life is manifested in us. Fruit is not produced by making fruit an object, nor by thinking of fruit; it is the outcome of having the Lord Jesus as our object. Our abiding-place is in the light and in the Holy of Holies." Therefore, brethren, since we have confidence to enter the sanctuary by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way which he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh...let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith..."(Heb. 10:19-22)
"All is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for refroof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work"
When God made a prophet, He did not unmake the man. The personality,mental traits, and even the forms of literary expression of the human authors, were left and perfectly free.
For eg: - The meekness of Moses, the burning sarcasm of Isaiah; the tender pathos of Jeremiah; the deep philosophy of John & the clear and sharp logic of Paul, all clearly reflect the human instrumentality.
"ALL these were truly and really their own. As every pipe of the organ is so fashioned that it might give one note and not another- and yet all are filled by the same breath-so, these souls, of humanity and the circumstances of their lives, were made each to give out his own note, yet all were filled by the breath of the Divine Spirit,that has made these human and yet divine utterances ring with a melody unquenched and unquenchable" (George Henderson). "When we say that God is the author, we mean the Holy Scripture is inspired by God. It was God who breathed into those 40 authors...." (Jerome - Doctor of Biblical Science).
Therefore, scripture becomes the written Word of God that is Spirit & Life to them that feed upon its pages, carefully searching it for food, light and life itself. Since the potency behind the written words is God Himself, it carries the sharpness of a two-edged sword, with ability to divide between soul and spirit, bone and marrow and reveal the innermost thoughts and intents of the heart. All that man would hide from God through the deceitfulness of his (man's) heart is laid and revealed before the mirror of His Word. Hence, since it is really God speaking through its pages (and not man), it is vitally important that the Christian counts upon it daily as manna for his sustenance. Manna that cannot be kept over for the next day, but must be gathered afresh daily, lest it spoil. When we come to the Word, it must not be an academic exercise, but to fellowship with Him, for He and His Word are one (see John 1:1). Also, He does not cast His pearls (deep insights of truth) before anyone, but to the hungry searching heart, He reveals all.
It is therefore profitable for teaching God's truth, for pointing the way (direction), for rebukes when necessary, for correction and chastisement when needed, all of which have one positive end - to train the Man & Woman of God in all righteousness - in all the ways of God, so that we may be made ready (equipped) for every good work.
Just as we need daily physical food for our earthly sustenance, daily feeding upon the Word is required for our spiritual sustenance, for man cannot live by bread alone (Mt 4:4). Fix a time and a place and make this daily time of sweet fellowship, where none will interrupt, and watch how the God breathed Word becomes a fire that burns within and a river of life that flows in you and out of you to a needy word.
(Read John 15:1-8) Abide in me and I in you.As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless you abide in me (John 15:4) The Quality of the fruit of the branch depends upon the quality of the life of the vine. Neither quality nor quality is the product of the branch, for the branch merely receives what is produced by the vine. It is useless for the branch to struggle and strive to produce, for that is not its task. In fact however hard it may try, it will produce nothing.on the contrary it is the task of the vine to supply all the sap (life) needed; it is the task of the vine to produce the fruit at the end of the branch; it is the task of the branch to just abide quietly in utter dependence and obedience where it had been placed. To walk with God in close relationship is not only the secret of joy and growth; it is the condition of all acceptable service, and all real usefulness (fruit). The value of what we do depends very much upon what we are. And what we are depends upon where we abide in.The most usefule Christian is the one that abides habitually in the secret place of the Most High. It is from this abiding position that our Lord the Vine provides all that His branches will ever need for fruit-bearing. Straining and driving effort does not accomplish the work that God gives a man to do; we must partake of Christ so fully that He more than fills the life. It will then be not overwork but overflow of the Christ-Life within. To "abide" means to stand fast, to remain,to go on being; to reside. As we abide in and fellowship of with the Vine, and thereby come to know Him more fully, the fruit of His Life is manifested in us. Fruit is not produced by making fruit an object, nor by thinking of fruit; it is the outcome of having the Lord Jesus as our object. Our abiding-place is in the light and in the Holy of Holies." Therefore, brethren, since we have confidence to enter the sanctuary by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way which he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh...let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith..."(Heb. 10:19-22)