Sunday, January 5, 2014

Why do we seek God?

Why do we seek God?
God has placed in our hearts a longing to seek and find him. St. Augustine says, "You have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you." We call this longing for God Religion.
It is natural for man to seek God. All of our striving for truth and happiness is ultimately a search for the one who supports us absolutely, satisfies us absolutely, and employs us absolutely in his service. A person is not completely himself until he has found God. "Anyone who seeks truth seeks God, whether or not he realizes it" (St. Edith Stein). (YOUCAT question 3)

Why did God create us?

Why did God create us?
God created us out of free and unselfish love. When a man loves, his heart overflows. He would like to share his joy with others. He gets this from his Creator. Although God is a mystery, we can still think about him in a human way and say: Out of the "surplus" of his love he created us. He wanted to share his endless joy with us, who are creatures of his love. (YOUCAT question 2)

Friday, December 27, 2013

Why Are We Here?

For what purpose are we here on earth?
We are here on earth in order to know and to love God, to do good according to his will, and to go someday to heaven.
To be a human being means to come from God and to go to God. Our origin goes back farther than our parents. We come from God, in whom all the happiness of heaven and earth is at home, and we are expected in his everlasting, infinite blessedness. Meanwhile we live on this earth. Sometimes we feel that our Creator is near; often we feel nothing at all. So that we might find the way home, God sent us his Son, who freed us from sin, delivers us from all evil, and leads us unerringly into true life. He is "the way, and the truth, and the life" (Jn 14:6). (YOUCAT question 1)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

What is faith? 
Faith is the power by which we assent to God, acknowledge his truth, and commit ourselves personally to him.
Faith is the path created by God leading to the truth that is God himself. Because Jesus is “the way, and the truth, and the life” (Jn 14:6), this faith cannot be merely an attitude or “confidence” about something or other. On the one hand, the faith has definite contents, which the Church professes in the Creed (= profession of faith), and it is her duty to safeguard them. Anyone who wants to accept the gift of faith, in other words, anyone who wants to believe, acknowledges this faith, which has been preserved constantly through the ages and in many different cultures. On the other hand, part of faith is a trusting relationship to God with heart and mind, with all one’s emotional strength. For faith becomes effective only through charity, practical love (see Gal 5:6). Whether someone really believes in the God of love is shown, not in his solemn affirmations, but rather in charitable deeds. 
What is hope? 
Hope is the power by which we firmly and constantly long for what we were placed on earth to do: to praise God and to serve him; and for our true happiness, which is finding our fulfillment in God; and for our final home: in God.
Hope is trusting in what God has promised us in creation, in the prophets, but especially in Jesus Christ, even though we do not yet see it. God’s Holy Spirit is given to us so that we can patiently hope for the Truth.  What is charity?  
Charity is the power by which we, who have been loved first by God, can give ourselves to God so as to be united with him and can accept our neighbor for God’s sake as unconditionally and sincerely as we accept ourselves.
Jesus places love above all laws, without however abolishing the latter. Therefore St. Augustine rightly says, “Love, and do what you will.” Which is not at all as easy as it sounds. That is why charity, love, is the greatest virtue, the energy that inspires all the other virtues and fills them with divine life. (YOUCAT questions 307-309)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Resurrection Life

Truly,truly, I say to you,unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but it dies, it bears much fruit (Jn 12:24) In the initial stage, the Christian enjoys that honeymoon time with the Lord, basking in the sunshine of God's love,high up on that stalk,like a kernel of wheat, enjoying the myriad of conferences and prayer meetings. But after a while he begins to realize that all is not well as his old-self keeps getting in the way pulling him down mant time and ruining his testimony.Try as he might live a self-less and holy life, he is beset with failure after failure. Soon he begins to long for the Christ Life within, to be able to walk more in the Spirit and less in the flesh. In response to that heart-cry, the Heavenly Gardener, begins to loosen the golden kernel of wheat from its comfortable nest high up on the stalk and lets it fell down into the dark damp ground where the sunshine does not reach all is dark and uncomfortable. Further, the grain is trampled upon and crushed and put to death is slow agonizing phases. Needless to say, this is a time for much bewilderment, pain and confusion in the Christian's life. What we cannot see at this time is that the shiny kernel of golden wheat though beautiful to look at, possesses a hard exterior that prohibits life from coming forth. This is true of any seed,no matter how rare or precious it is. It is only when that grain or seed falls to the ground and dies that the germ of life contained within can come out and yield new life. If it does not die, it remains alone with all its hardness and earthly glory. But only if it dies, can the life contained within come forth and yield new life in return. This is a vital stage in the Christian's growth and little does he realize how "on track with God" he is. The above scripture in Jn 12: 24 clearly reveals to us another of God's paradoxical principles at work here, which is life out of death. Without death, there can be no life. Calvary proceeds Pentecost. Crucifixion precedes Resurrection and so Death precedes Life. There are many programs and self-help techniques that claim to make you alive and indeed they may seem to posses life, but it will not be resurrection life can only come forth after one has died. Jesus could only enter into His resurrection after He had first entered into His death. God works by paradox. The way up is the way down, success comes via failure, life springs out of death, etc. The only element in the believer's life that crumbles is that which has to go anyway.. the new life can never be harmed or afflicted. This disintegration is something the believer cannot enter into nor engineer on his own- self will never cast out self. He has to be led into it by the mercy of the Holy Spirit- into failure; abject and total. "For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest of our mortal flesh" (2 Cor 4:11). So often the means utilized by the Spirit is an unregenerate spouse, the boss in the office, poor health, etc. A thousand and one things are used by Him - in fact, everything (Romans 8:28-29), to bring out the worst in us, ultimately enabling us to see that the Christian life has to be "not I, but Christ." People, circumstances, etc.,are never the cause of failure. Self's reaction to them is the cause, and the one problem to be dealt with. "It's me, it's me O Lord."" Application: Beloved, first realize that you are precious in God's sight; the apple of His eye. He lays a premium on His ultimate purpose for you. which is to conform you into the image and likeness of His Son Jesus Christ (Rom 8:29). Do not be dismayed or discouraged that your flesh is being broken down. It is necessary, for God can only use a broken man who does not rely on himself, but totally on Christ. For it is only this Christ-Life within that can reproduce the Christ-Life without. So instead of grumbling and complaining and going from pillar to be prayed over, sit still and start to thank God for what HE is doing in your life, for your life,is in HIS hands, remember! And He who has started this good work within you is faithful and will bring to completion that He has started (Phil 1:6). ,

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Bible Speaks today


Has this time come? Does the Word that is preached these days divide between soul and spirit? Does it upset our comfort zones? No one likes to be uncomfortable in their own homes. Nor do people like to be uncomfortable in the prayer meeting or the Church.Many today resist teaching that is direct and convicting because many do not want to hear that there is something wrong with the lifestyle they live, or perhaps even the doctrine they hold. Should the church adjust so as not to offend? Recently I had to point out to a young Christian about watching movies that glorified witchcraft and the occult. It turned out to be a tussle as he did not see why such a fuss was being made when everyone his age was watching the same.

Leaders among God's people have a responsibility to set an example as well as teach the truth of holiness as taught in the scriptures. Though many will not want to hear it, for their sake and for our own, we should resist the temptation to omit difficult doctrines, oversimplifying moral issues, and the tendency to gravitate towards comfortable sermons in order to "gain an audience". We have a plethora of tele-evangelists today who preach a "prosperity" gospel promising the same wealth of Old Testament times oa a "name it and claim it" basis, clearly forgetting that the advent of Christ on earth heralded a new dispensation in which even He (Jesus) did not have a place to lay His head.They forgot that He did not arrive in Ferrari nor did He wear the latest branded clothes, but barely made it to a stable wrapped in swaddling cloths. If no disciple can be greater than his master, then how can we the disciples of Christ command God for wealth and riches. 

The next danger comes from the affinity for sensationalism that thrills and excites the senses. This is largely because having lived by the senses all along, we naturally tend to enter the Christian Life through the doorway of experiences rather than the doorway of sound doctrine. We need to realize that if we enter by the doorway of sound doctrine, our lives will be built on rock and the experience that follow (if any), will be right. If we enter through the doorway of experiences,then our lives will be built on sand and will be shaky, lacking the surety of faith that comes from the facts of God's Word (See Rom 10:17). APPLICATION: We have not headed Jesus' warning of MT 24:24- For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. It is the foreboding thought that even God's chosen people will be susceptible and fall prey to the devious schemes of the enemy who struts around like an angel of light. To be protected against this we need the solid meat of the Word (sound doctrine) which is for the mature who through practice have their senses trained to discern between good and evil (Heb 5:14).